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How are Evaluative and Control tests used?

1. Select evaluative or control tests. The flow and features shown are identical, only the tests are different.

Control tests are used after a theory lesson. The tests are divided into topics corresponding to the lessons.

Evaluative tests are used shortly before the student takes the Police theory test. These are broad tests, not subject-based.

  1. Remember to open the student screen if it is not already open.
  2. Set the time in seconds between questions and answer options.
  3. Standard samples
  4. Samples based on a topic of your choice.
  5. For both points 4 and 5, if you select more than 25 images for the test, the test will be randomised.
    This means that the system mixes and composes the sample itself. These samples can be used again, see next point.
  6. The tests you have created yourself, based on a topic or sub-goal. However, max. the last 50 composed.

Items 7-11 are described below.

7. sample with text and image on student screen.

8. sample with ONLY image on student screen.

9. Manually review sample. No time and no sound.

A test that is running will go to review at the end, but here you can activate review without running a test first.

  1. Walkthrough where only one image is shown on the learner screen.
  2. Walkthrough showing image and text on the learner screen.
  3. Printable results for manual checking of tests where the learner does not check their results themselves.

10. indication of how many images each sample contains.

The large buttons in items 7 and 8, as well as item 11, are described under the topic "Interactive tests"